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I'm trying to save the world so I apologize for any typos.

Tim Mathis
13 min read
Pilgrimage means finding a place with a good story and moving your ass towards it.
We've introduced the concept of a GAP Month as a reliable framework for transformational travel. In short, it's a month of goal-directed...

Tim Mathis
2 min read
84 of the world’s best long distance pilgrimage and adventure routes.
File under: GAP Month inspiration. We’re serving 1997 Angelfire realness around here, so I made this unwieldy in-no-particular-order...

Tim Mathis
8 min read
The GAP Month: How do you make travel life-changing?
The GAP Month: How to design your own transformative travel experience, based on centuries of pilgrimage wisdom.

Tim Mathis
13 min read
Taiwan Cycle Route 1: What English-speakers need to know to bike around Taiwan.
11 things you need to know to have a great time on Taiwan Cycle Route 1. This article is a “Part 2” of a series on Taiwan Cycle Route 1....

Tim Mathis
20 min read
Why biking Taiwan Cycle Route 1 was the virtually perfect trip.
If you’re going to devote time and money to a trip, you want it to be good. Life-changing if possible. A lot of places in the world have...

Tim Mathis
5 min read
Stating your intentions is the first step: Birthing Travel, the PCT, and the dream life
The first step on the Pacific Crest Trail, for me, happened on the internet. Big life decisions are like that.

Tim Mathis
6 min read
The Lower Hudson: A paddling gem hidden in plain sight
The Lower Hudson, Between Albany and NYC, is a criminally under-appreciated and accessible multi-day paddle.

Tim Mathis
13 min read
How to discover island paradise on the cheap in New Caledonia.
New Caledonia. Never heard of it? Here's why you shouldn't overlook this Melanesian dot on the map in the middle of the Pacific.

Tim Mathis
7 min read
El Camino de Santiago with just the clothes on your back.
A Camino de Santiago packing list as an illustration of why it's such an amazing adventure.

Tim Mathis
11 min read
7 Reasons to Love Mexico (and Not Fear it)
Someone else can teach you to travel safely in Mexico. I want to teach you to travel fearlessly.
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